1 subject to alterations SERIES FCC-AE-HV 2016.24 Aerial Cam Units for High Volume Applications Product update Assembly options S. 145 SERIES FRC 2017.43 Roller slide units Expanded range, Processing status, optional sensor query S. 153 SERIES FCC-AE-LV 2016.26 Aerial Cam Units for Low Volume Applications S. 17 SERIES FCC-DM-HV 2016.15 Die Mounted Cam Units for High Volume Applications Expanded range Mounting plate purchase option S. 85 NEW PRODUCT INNOVATIONS OVERVIEW
4 LÄPPLE COMPANY GROUP LÄPPLE, a family-owned group of companies, provides our customers with high quality products and solutions throughout the entire global industrial value chain. Laepple's specialist companies offer an innovative and high-performance range of products, components and services to customers in the forming and bodywork, automation systems, mechanical engineering and tool making industries. With extensive expertise and many years of experience, LÄPPLE is a reliable partner that understands its customers’ interests and the latest developments on the market. Around 2,100 employees develop, produce, sell and service a wide range of innovative products in the world’s industrial regions. BODY IN WHITE MODULES STANDARD PARTS AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATION
5 The Standard Parts Division operates from the facilities in Hassmersheim, India, and China. Here, a large range of standard parts are manufactured, stored, and shipped to customers worldwide. The product range is tailored to customers in the tool, mold, machine, and system engineering industries. They include steel die sets, guide elements, oilless guide elements and precision components such as punches and matrixes, special steel compression springs, gas springs, forming materials, metal bonding agents, moulding resins, peripheral equipment for pressing and tool making, tool slides with cam or roller slides and hydraulic cam systems. INNOVATION FROM TRADITION FIBRO STANDARD PARTS YOUR PRODUCTION PARTNER As a leading provider for Standard Parts for the tool & die industry, FIBRO offers a unique range of high precision products. With over a million different items, of which 40,000 are constantly in stock and available at short notice, FIBRO Standard Parts is a guaranteed one-stop shop for tool manufacturers around the world. FIBRO exceeds our customers high quality expectations by following the most robust manufacturing processes ensuring that the tight tolerance and accuracy requirements of our products are delivered. The wide range of services we offer gives you multiple ways to access support from us: for example in direct contact via support with the appropriate product selection and design, by delivering all the necessary CAD data and seamless workflows in dispatch. Profit from the combination of companies operating on the international stage, and specialist firms rooted in their specific regions. around 600 employees worldwide production plants in Germany, Italy, India and China 45 agencies around the world a quality management system in line with DIN EN ISO 9001 FIBRO branch offices in France, Poland, the USA, India, Singapore and Korea an environmental management system in line with DIN EN ISO 14001
6 PLZ 10000-19000 Außendienst Andreas Otto Immenweg 3 16356 Ahrensfelde OT Eiche M +49 170 739 00 64 a.otto@fibro.de PLZ 20000-29000, 49000 Walter Ruff GmbH Heerenholz 9 28307 Bremen T +49 421 438 78-0 F +49 421 438 78-22 mail@praeziruff.de www.praeziruff.de PLZ 30000-31000, 37000-39000 Außendienst Stephan Hoffmann Unter den Linden 22 38667 Bad Harzburg M +49 171 971 90 05 s.hoffmann@fibro.de PLZ 32000-34000, 48000-49000 Außendienst Daniel Kolakowski Auf der Strotheide 50 32051 Herford M +49 170 576 00 09 d.kolakowski@fibro.de PLZ 35000-36000, 57000, 6000061000, 65000 Außendienst Ralf Feldmann Wiesenstraße 23b 58339 Breckerfeld M +49 151 12 59 01 59 r.feldmann@fibro.de PLZ 42000, 44000-46000, 5800059000 Außendienst Lars Jahncke Flockertsberg 17 42653 Solingen M +49 170 7637125 l.jahncke@fibro.de PLZ 40000-42000, 47000, 5000053000, Außendienst Hartwig Hennemann Staubenthaler Höhe 79 42369 Wuppertal M +49 175 29 659 30 h.hennemann@fibro.de PLZ 54000-56000, 66000 Außendienst Oliver Koop Felsenbrunnerstr. 57 66333 Völklingen M +49 175 438 53 81 o.koop@fibro.de PLZ 63000-64000, 67000-69000, 76000-77000 Außendienst Markus Rössl Johann-Strauß-Straße 16/1 74906 Bad Rappenau M +49 160 97 25 23 93 m.roessl@fibro.de PLZ 70000-73000, 88000-89000 Außendienst Meric Üven Esslinger Straße 76 70736 Fellbach M +49 170 5411416 m.ueven@fibro.de PLZ 71000, 74000-75000, 97000 Außendienst Matthias Ehrenfried Steigerwaldstraße 25 74172 Neckarsulm M +49 171 864 95 52 m.ehrenfried@fibro.de PLZ 72000, 77000-79000, 88000 Außendienst Matthias Jörg In der Krautbündt 44 77656 Offenburg-Zunsweier M +49 151 21 28 25 00 m.joerg@fibro.de PLZ 80000-89000 Jugard + Künstner GmbH Beta-Straße 10e 85774 Unterföhring T +49 89 546 15 60 F +49 89 580 27 96 nbg@jk.de www.jugard-kuenstner.de PLZ 90000-97000 Jugard + Künstner GmbH Weidentalstraße 45 90518 Altdorf bei Nürnberg T +49 9187 936 69-0 F +49 9187 936 69-90 nbg@jk.de www.jugard-kuenstner.de PLZ 01000-09000, 98000-99000 Held Werkzeugmaschinen und Präzisionswerkzeug GmbH & Co.KG Fasaneninsel 1 07548 Gera T +49 365 824 91 0 F +49 365 824 91 11 info@held-wzm.de www.held-wzm.de VERTRETUNGEN . REPRESENTATIVES . REPRESENTATIONS . RAPPRESENTANTES subject to alterations Germany
7 International AR ARCINCO Industrial Ltda. Rua Oneda, 935 - Planalto CEP 09895-280 - São Bernardo do Campo - SP T +55-11-3463.8855 F +55-11-4390.9155 joyce@arcinco.com.br www.arcinco.com.br AT Rath & Co. Ges. m.b.H. Teiritzstrasse 3 2100 Korneuburg T +43 2262 608 0 F +43 2262 608 60 office@rath-co.at www.rath-co.at AU Bruderer Presses Australia Pty. Ltd. Unit 4, 7 Dowling Place South Windsor NSW 2756 Australia T +61 417681800 brudsyd@optusnet.com.au BA WML Robert Bednjanec Vlaska 76 10000 Zagreb T +385 984 16005 robert.bednjanec@net.hr BE Schiltz s.a. Rue Nestor Martin 315 1082 Bruxelles T +32 2 464 4830 F +32 2 464 4839 info@schiltz.be www.schiltz-norms.be BG Bavaria 2002 EOOD Patriarh Evtimii 10 5100 Gorna Orjachoviza T +359 618 64158 F +359 618 64960 bavaria2002@gorna.net www.bavaria2002.hit.bg BR ARCINCO Industrial Ltda. Rua Oneda, 935 - Planalto CEP 09895-280 - São Bernardo do Campo - SP T +55-11-3463.8855 F +55-11-4390.9155 joyce@arcinco.com.br www.arcinco.com.br CA FIBRO Inc. 139 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61104 T +1 815 229 1300 F +1 815 229 1303 info@fibroinc.com www.fibro.com CH Außendienst Reinhard Schreiner Hasenbergstrasse 40 6312 Steinhausen M +41 76 568 59 06 r.schreiner@fibro.de CL Bermat S.A. Coyancura 2283, Of. 601 9781 Casilla · Santiago T +56 2 231 88 77 F +56 2 231 42 94 bermat@bermat.cl www.bermat.cl CN 联系LÄPPLE (Taicang) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. Building No. 15 · Industrial Park No. 103 Chenmenjing road · Chengxiang Town 215400 Taicang · Jiangsu Province P.R. China T +86 512 8060 7979 info@fibro.cn www.fibro.com CY Militos Trading Ltd. P.O.B. 27297 1643 Nicosia T +357 22 75 12 56 F +357 22 75 22 11 militos@cytanet.com.cy CZ Technicky konzultant Vladimir Tanecká Snezienkova 10228/12 960 01 Zvolen M +421 905 32 94 56 v.tanecka@fibro.de www.fibro.com Technicky konzultant Menousek Jaromir M +420 777 39 99 66 j.menousek@fibro.de www.fibro.com DK EBI A/S Sylvestervej 7 DK-2610 Roedovre T +45 4497 8111 F +45 4468 0626 salg@ebi.dk www.ebi.dk DZ Pneumacoupe Blida Boufarik 86 Bld. Menad Mohamed Boufarik, 09400 Blida T +213 347 5655 F +213 347 5655 pneumacoupe@yahoo.fr EE CLE Baltic Oû Sära street 10 · Peetri village Rae county 75312 Estonia T +372 780 3530 F +372 668 8679 eesti@waldecgroup.com www.clebaltic.com EG Smeco 68, Abdel Rahman El Raffei St. 11351-Heliopolis West, Cairo T +20 2 620 06 71 F +20 2 620 06 74 r.metwally@tedata.net.eg ES Consultor Técnico Comercial Jaume Estela Zona Central-Levante Aragón-Cataluñya M +34 668 121 167 j.estela@fibro.de Consultor Técnico Erik Brok Zona Noroeste · País Vasco M +34 668 137 676 e.brok@fibro.de FI CLE Finland Oy Trollbergintie 10 10650 Tammisaari T +358 207 519 600 F +358 207 519 619 info@cle.fi www.cle.fi REPRESENTACIONES . PRZEDSTAWICIELSTWA . ZASTOUPENÍ . MÜMESSILLER . 代表处 subject to alterations
8 International FR FIBRO France Sarl 26, avenue de l’Europe 67300 Schiltigheim T +33 3 90 20 40 40 F +33 3 88 81 08 29 info@fibro.fr www.fibro.com GB Bruderer UK Ltd. Unit H, Cradock Road LU4 OJF Luton, Bedfordshire T +44 1582 563 400 F +44 1582 493 993 mail@bruderer.co.uk www.bruderer-presses.com GR Konstantinos Koutseris & Co. - MEK Pyloy 100 10441 Athen T +30 210 5220557 F +30 210 5221208 info@mek.com.gr www.mek.com.gr HK 联系LÄPPLE (Taicang) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. Building No. 15 · Industrial Park No. 103 Chenmenjing road · Chengxiang Town 215400 Taicang · Jiangsu Province P.R. China T +86 512 8060 7979 info@fibro.cn www.fibro.com HR WML Robert Bednjanec Vlaska 76 10000 Zagreb T +385 984 16005 robert.bednjanec@net.hr HU Rath & Co. Ges. m.b.H. Teiritzstraße 3 AT-2100 Korneuburg T +43 2 262 608 0 F +43 2 262 608 60 office@rath-co.at www.rath-co.at ID FIBRO Asia Pte. Ltd. 9, Changi South Street 3, #07-04 Singapore 486361 T +65 65 43 99 63 F +65 65 43 99 62 info@fibro-asia.com www.fibro.com IE Bruderer UK Ltd. Unit H, Cradock Road LU4 OJF Luton, Bedfordshire T +44 1582 563 400 F +44 1582 493 993 mail@bruderer.co.uk www.bruderer-presses.com IL A. J. Englander 1980 Ltd. 13 Harechev Street Tel Aviv 67771 T +972 3 537 36 36 F +972 3 537 33 25 info@englander.co.il www.englander.co.il IN FIBRO INDIA PRECISION PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. Plot No: A-55, Phase II, Chakan MIDC Taluka Khed, Pune - 410 501 T +91-2135 67 09 03 M +91-98810 00273 info@fibro-india.com www.fibro.com IT Millutensil S.R.L. Corso Buenos Aires, 92 20124 Milano T +39 02 2940 4390 F +39 02 204 6677 info@millutensil.com https://fibro.millutensil.com KR FIBRO Korea Co. Ltd. 203-603, Bucheon Technopark Ssangyong 3 · 397, Seokcheon-ro, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do T +82 32 624 0630 F +82 32 624 0631 fibro_korea@fibro.kr www.fibro.com LI Außendienst Reinhard Schreiner Hasenbergstrasse 40 6312 Steinhausen M +41 76 568 59 06 r.schreiner@fibro.de LT CLE Baltic Oû Pramones gatve 94-7 11115 Vilnius, Lithuania T +370 663 56309 F +370 520 40914 latvia@waldecgroup.com www.clebaltic.com LV Waldec Latvia SIA Peldu 7, Jelgava LV-3002, Latvia T +371 27027956 latvia@waldecgroup.com www.waldecgroup.com MA Chiba Industrie Bd. Mohamed Bouziane Lot 103, Hay My Rachid 20670 Casablanc T +212 523 31 40 16/17/19 F +212 523 30 39 85 h.hind@chibaindustrie.com MX FIBRO Inc. 139 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61104 T +1 815 229 1300 F +1 815 229 1303 info@fibroinc.com www.fibro.com MY FIBRO Asia Pte. Ltd. 9, Changi South Street 3, #07-04 Singapore 486361 T +65 65 43 99 63 F +65 65 43 99 62 info@fibro-asia.com www.fibro.com NL Jeveka B.V. Platinaweg 4 1362 JL Almere Poort T +31 36 303 2000 info@jeveka.com www.jeveka.com VERTRETUNGEN . REPRESENTATIVES . REPRESENTATIONS . RAPPRESENTANTES subject to alterations
9 International NZ APS Tooling Ltd. 17A Spring Street Onehunga, Auckland, 1061 T +64 9 579 2208 F +64 9 579 2207 info@apstools.co.nz PE Ing. E. Brammertz S.c.r.l. Apartado Postal 0173 Av. José Pardo 182-905 18 Miraflores-Lima T +51 1 208 4600 F +51 1 445 1931 import@brammertz.com www.brammertz.com PL FIBRO Polska Sp. z o.o. Aleja Armii Krajowej 220 Pawilon AG piętro 3 43-316 Bielsko-Biała T +48 6980 57720 info@fibro.pl PT FERROMETAL, UNIPESSOAL, LDA. Estrada Manuel Correia Lopes Parque Empresarial ProgressoArmazém 1 Polima 2785-718 S. Domingos de Rana T +351 214 447 160 F +351 214 447 169 ferrometal@ferrometal.pt RO Reprezentant Vânzari Daniel Andrei Sibisan Str. Zizinului nr. 8, ap. 21 Brasov, 500414 T +40 744 44 05 83 F +40 368 78 00 08 d.sibisan@fibro.de www.fibro.com RS Tesic Partisanska 12/a-II 11090 Beograd T +381 11 2338 362 F +381 11 2338 362 atesic@verat.net RU CL Engineering & Co. Ltd. ul. Sofyiskaya 66 192289 S. Petersburg T +7 812 575 1592 F +7 812 324 7388 info@cleru.ru www.cleru.ru RU OOO VTF Instrumsnab ul. Topolinaya 9A 445047 Togliatti T +7 8482681424 F +7 8482681452 office@instrumsnab.com www.instrumsnab.ru SA Abdul Rahman I. Fallatah Br. Est. Old Makkah Road - Kilo 01 - Bab Makkah Jeddah 21497 T +966 12 681 13 91 F +966 12 645 85 39 fibro.sa@gmail.com www.al-rasha.com SE Lideco AB Verkstadsvägen 4 51463 Dalstorp T +46 321 53 03 50 F +46 321 603 77 info@lideco.se www.lideco.se SG FIBRO Asia Pte. Ltd. 9, Changi South Street 3, #07-04 Singapore 486361 T +65 65 43 99 63 F +65 65 43 99 62 info@fibro-asia.com www.fibro.com SI Tehnićni svetovalec Jozef Majcen Poslovni prostor št. 1 v Poslovnem Centru Mops Mariborska c. 83 · 2312 Orehova vas. T +386 820 52740 M + 386 41 387 889 j.majcen@fibro.de www.fibro.com SK Technicky konzultant Vladimir Tanecká Snezienkova 10228/12 960 01 Zvolen M +421 905 32 94 56 v.tanecka@fibro.de www.fibro.com TH FIBRO Asia Pte. Ltd. 9, Changi South Street 3, #07-04 Singapore 486361 T +65 65 43 99 63 F +65 65 43 99 62 info@fibro-asia.com www.fibro.com TR Ender Kesici ve Teknik Takımlar Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. Eğitim Mh. Kasap İsmail Sok. Sadıkoğlu Plaza 5 No: 12/3 Kadıköy 34722, İstanbul T +90 216 330 6005 F +90 216 330 6006 info@enderltd.com www.enderltd.com TW SunNan Enterprises Co. Ltd. 2F, No. 7, Alley 6, Lane 235 Pao-Chiao Road Hsin-Tien City · Taipei T +886 22917 6454 F +886 22911 0398 sun-ss@umail.hinet.net US FIBRO Inc. 139 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61104 T +1 (815) 229-1300 F +1 (815) 229-1303 info@fibroinc.com www.fibro.com ZA Herrmann & Herrmann Pty. Ltd. 9, Mpande Street · Sebenza Edenvale 1609 T +27 11 828 01 00 F +27 11 828 60 21 hermstools@mweb.co.za www.hermstools.com REPRESENTACIONES . PRZEDSTAWICIELSTWA . ZASTOUPENÍ . MÜMESSILLER . 代表处 subject to alterations
11 2016.15 65 - 400 2016.24 60 - 600 2016.25 700 - 1050 2016.15 65 - 400 2016.24. 60 - 600 2016.25. 700 - 1050 2017.43. 78-170 2016.14. 52 - 300 2016.24. 60 - 600 2016.25. 700 - 1050 2016.15 65 - 400 2016.24. 60 - 600 2016.25. 700 - 1050 subject to alterations CONTENTS OEM DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS OEM Order No Width [mm] Aerial/die mounted cam BMW UT OT OT Daimler UT OT OT UT Renault UT Volvo OT OT VOLKSWAGEN GROUP (all brands) UT OT OT Processing status: 21.12.2021 Are you missing an OEM in this listing? Ask us for the latest release list or check our website https://www.fibro.de/en/camslideunit/ Additional documents Current OEM release, cam units Main cam unit catalog 2.2914 Cam units on our website
12 subject to alterations Glide pairing Features Guaranteed stroke rate / lifetime Working angle Gradation (Increment) Width [mm] 2016.24. AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC High Volume Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant Fully equipped, shouldered guiding rails Sliding guide version as double prism; Gas spring; Fulfills the BAK specifications 1.000.000 0° – 75° 5° 60 - 600 2016.25. AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC High Volume Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant Fully equipped, shouldered guiding rails; Gas spring; Fulfills the BAK specifications 1.000.000 0° – 75° 5° 700 - 1050 2016.15. DIE MOUNT CAM FCC High Volume Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant Fully equipped, shouldered guiding rails; Sliding guide version as double prism; Gas spring; Fulfills the BAK specifications 1.000.000 0° - 25° 5° 65 - 400 2016.26. AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC Low Volume Sliding planes: Cast / bronze with solid lubricant or sinter partially equipped, shouldered guiding rails; Gas spring 750.000 0° - 75° 5° 65 - 400 OVERVIEW SPECIFICATIONS EXPANDED RANGE NEW SERIES
13 subject to alterations OVERVIEW SPECIFICATIONS Glide pairing Features Guaranteed stroke rate / lifetime Working angle Gradation (Increment) Width [mm] 2016.207. AERIAL CAM UNIT ECO LINE Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant fully equipped guiding rails; Gas spring 1.000.000 0° - 60° 5° 70 - 400 2016.208. AERIAL CAM UNIT ECO LINE Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant fully equipped guiding rails; Gas spring 1.000.000 0° - 60° 5° 500 - 1000 2016.11. DIE MOUNT CAM FEAC Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes: Cast / cast with solid lubricant unequipped with compression spring 300.000 0° -- 52 - 300 2016.14. DIE MOUNT CAM FSAC Ask for catalogue 2.2914.! Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant partially equipped with screw compression spring 600.000 0° -- 52 - 300 2017.43 ROLLER SLIDE UNITS FRC Sliding planes: Hardened steel / bronze with solid lubricant fully equipped guiding rails; Gas spring 1.000.000 -20° - 50° variable 78-170 Main cam unit catalog 2.2914 EXPANDED RANGE
14 x±0,02 øH7 øH7 H±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 øH7 øH7 x'±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 subject to alterations TOOL DESIGN TOLERANCES For increasingly streamlined toolmaking processes, we ensure sufficiently narrow tolerances (EFP tolerance) for our cam units thanks to appropriate manufacturing processes. These tolerances make it possible to install our cam slide units in the tool, without conventional adjustment measures of the active elements*. This makes it possible to shorten the timeline from the start of the tool assembly process to the first off-tool part in the tryout. Our cam unit series shown below currently meet the EFP tolerance standards: Aerial cam unit ▬ 2016.24 ▬ 2016.26 ▬ 2016.25 Image 1: Tolerances of aerial cam units with EFP equipment *EFP = equipped for press ** The tolerances of all tooling components around the cam unit must also be executed with sufficient precision for the successful implementation of this assembly strategy, and the cam slide unit assembly sequence in the tool must be adapted accordingly!
15 x±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 øH7 øH7 H±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 x±0,02 øH7 øH7 x'±0,02 subject to alterations TOOL DESIGN TOLERANCES Die mount cam ▬ 2016.15 Image 2: Tolerances of lower cam units with EFP equipment * The tolerances of all tooling components around the cam unit must also be executed with sufficient precision for the successful implementation of this assembly strategy, and the cam slide unit assembly sequence in the tool must be adapted accordingly!
19 2016.26.006.□□.1000.00 65 120 21 2016.26.008.□□.1000.00 85 120 21 2016.26.009.□□.1000.00 90 200 31 2016.26.011.□□.1000.00 115 200 31 2016.26.012.□□.1000.00 125 280 41 2016.26.016.□□.1000.00 160 280 41 2016.26.018.□□.1000.00 185 450 51 2016.26.022.□□.1000.00 220 450 51 2016.26.026.□□.1000.00 260 580 61 2016.26.031.□□.1000.00 310 580 61 2016.26.034.□□.1000.00 340 780 71 2016.26.040.□□.1000.00 400 780 71 81 = 2016.26.006. □□. 1000.00 = 30. = 2016.26.006. 30. 1000.00 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26. We have developed our FCC OT-LV 2016.26. series aerial cam units specifically for the requirements of small and medium-sized press tools. They are true winners in their class thanks to market-leading working and retraction forces combined with compact dimensions. The glide pairing of this cam unit series is performed in sintered/bronze sliding elements against a non-hardened cast surface. The wear elements of the guides are catalog items from our Standard Parts product range and offer excellent availability. The gas springs are accessible from the rear of the cam unit in all cam slide units in this series and can be disassembled within the tool. These gas springs with the advanced safety features used in our cam units, provide the best possible safety standards according to the Pressure Equipment Directive. The cam slide units in this series meet the requirements of the BAK specifications, and are available from stock in the event of a crash. These cam units can be ordered ex works with a machined work surface according to your data set upon request. This machining meets the highest requirements of modern toolmaking processes. Design features: ▬ Prism guide against driver / box guide against base ▬ Cast sliding surfaces (unhardened) / bronze with solid lubricant or sinter ▬ Gas spring with safety features ▬ The gas spring can be removed within the tool (without disassembling the cam unit). ▬ Mechanical retraction ▬ Structural damper ▬ Cam unit in the tool can be removed towards the rear Aerial cam units in the FCC OT-LV 2016.26 series are available in twelve widths as standard from 65mm to 400mm, each in angle variants from 0-75° in 5° increments. Beginning from a width of 185mm, the cam slide units in this series are equipped with plate pre-acceleration to improve the dynamic response. Further widths and angles, as well as further customer-specific designs are available on request. Order No Width [mm] Performance class [kN] Page assembly instructions Ordering Code (example): FIBRO Low-Volume Aerial Cam Units, Width 65mm Slide angle « = 30° Order number
20 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV DOUBLE WIDTHS The width grading of the cam slide unit series 2016.15 + .26 is divided into 6x2 double widths, and thus available for each base width in a narrow design, as well as in a narrow design with a widened working surface. The narrow variants impress with their compact dimensions along the entire cam slide unit length, as well as high working forces on all segments of the cam slide unit working surface. With identical cam sliders, the widened designs offers more mounting space for low-force active components (e.g. punch retainers, scraper components) or for large active components with a homogeneous arrangement over the entire working surface. The figure shows a version with a widened working area. Attached to this working surface are multiple punches with standard, polygon-shaped retainer plates. The force-free screw positions have been rotated into the outer area of the working surface. Multiple punches, through which the force vector is passed, are concentrated in the centre of the cam slide unit working surface.
21 Working width: 65/85 mm Performance class: 120 kN AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008.
22 H B L 113 L2 L1 L3 L4 H H W H 1 D β α subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. SIZE TABLE
23 L [mm] B [mm] H [mm] H1 [mm] HW [mm] L1 [mm] L2 [mm] L3 [mm] L4 [mm] D [mm] α [°] β [°] SW [mm] SS [mm] SP [mm] 2016. 242 65 225 65 120 11 217 178 192 227 0 50 32,1 50 38,3 2016. 85 2016. 235 65 225 59,6 120 1 222 178 188 235,85 5 45 35,5 50 38,4 2016. 85 2016. 241 65 225 53,06 120 8 227 188 202 247,85 10 40 38,9 50 38,9 2016. 85 2016. 250 65 225 46,59 120 21 237 188 198 257,92 15 35 42,4 50 39,7 2016. 85 2016. 245 65 225 48,03 120 32 227 158 171 254,79 20 40 40,8 50 46,1 2016. 85 2016. 252 65 225 43,23 120 45 237 158 167 261,99 25 35 45,2 50 47,8 2016. 85 2016. 256 65 225 43,94 120 61 247 148 159 262,39 30 30 45,0 45 45,0 2016. 85 2016. 262 65 225 43,25 120 73 247 148 158 259,3 35 25 49,8 45 47,6 2016. 85 2016. 264 65 225 107,02 120 176 247 35 139 266,87 40 30 50,9 45 55,2 2016. 85 2016. 262 65 225 114,25 120 189 247 35 139 260,94 45 25 57,7 45 59,8 2016. 85 2016. 249 65 225 117,6 120 196 237 35 140 248,23 50 20 48,2 33 48,2 2016. 85 2016. 259 65 225 119,89 120 207 237 35 138 245,07 55 15 55,6 33 54,1 2016. 85 2016. 246 65 225 99,33 120 192 237 35 120 231,59 60 20 54,5 29 57,1 2016. 85 2016. 254 65 225 99,48 120 202 237 35 117 226,56 65 15 66,3 29 67,6 2016. 85 2016. 264 65 225 95,74 120 214 237 35 120 208,24 70 10 63,3 22 63,3 2016. 85 2016. 278 65 225 91,36 120 226 237 35 113 201,18 75 5 69,3 18 68,5 2016. 85 β α/ε γ S W S P S S subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. SIZE TABLE Order No Fastening Cam base: Driver: Hexagon socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 / Strength class min. 8.8 4 × M10 4 × M10 Dowel pins DIN EN ISO 8735 2 × ø10 2 × ø10
24 14 13 5.2 20 21 19 16 4 7.2 15 2 6 7.1 5.1 1 3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. EXPLODED VIEW
25 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. PARTS LIST Item No. Pcs. Designation Material tuned Spare part 1 1 Cam slider EN-JS-1060 -- -- 2 1 Driver EN-JS-1060 -- -- 3 1 Cam base EN-JS-1060 -- -- 4 1 Centre guide 1.2379 -- x 5.1 1 mechanical retraction, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 5.2 1 mechanical retraction, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 6 2 Sliding plate Bronze with solid lubricant -- x 7.1 1 L-guide, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 7.2 1 L-guide, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Gas spring 2487.12.00.170.□□□ -- x 14 1 Locking tappet 1.7131 -- x 15 1 Locking tappet pin -- x 16 1 Slide stop 1.1191 -- x 17 (not shown) 1 Spacer -- x 18 (not shown) 1 Lockout system 1.1191 -- x 19 1 Damper Elastomer -- x 20 1 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 21 2 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 22 23 24* (not shown) 1 Spacer 1.1191 -- x * not installed at all angles For inquiries or when ordering spare parts (x), we require the following data: ▬ Cam unit order no. ▬ Cam unit serial number ▬ Item No. / Designation / Spare part
26 α [°] FW [kN] FR * [kN] Fh2 [kN] Fv2 [kN] Fh3 [kN] Fv3 [kN] H2 [mm] H3 [mm] 2016.26.00□.00.1000.00 0 120 12 -9 124 129 124 33 155 2016.26.00□.05.1000.00 5 123 12 2 128 120 138 43 137 2016.26.00□.10.1000.00 10 126 12 14 130 110 152 42 125 2016.26.00□.15.1000.00 15 129 12 26 131 99 165 52 115 2016.26.00□.20.1000.00 20 128 12 25 87 95 131 49 125 2016.26.00□.25.1000.00 25 126 12 32 83 82 137 59 115 2016.26.00□.30.1000.00 30 125 12 39 80 69 142 65 95 2016.26.00□.35.1000.00 35 124 12 45 75 56 147 77 80 2016.26.00□.40.1000.00 40 123 12 33 46 61 125 69 95 2016.26.00□.45.1000.00 45 122 12 37 42 49 129 82 80 2016.26.00□.50.1000.00 50 123 12 41 39 38 134 88 60 2016.26.00□.55.1000.00 55 125 12 45 36 27 139 97 50 2016.26.00□.60.1000.00 60 127 12 27 18 37 128 104 60 2016.26.00□.65.1000.00 65 127 12 28 16 25 131 112 50 2016.26.00□.70.1000.00 70 128 12 30 13 14 134 98 33 2016.26.00□.75.1000.00 75 129 12 31 11 2 135 107 25 F h3 Fh2 Fv3 Fv2 F W F * R H2 H3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. SYSTEM AND SURROUNDING FORCES All force specifications in this catalogue of the Series 2016.26 are pre-assigned values that provide a higher safety factor. Order No * Retraction force values correspond to the spring-generated retraction force at the working point The forces Fh2 , FV2 as well as Fh3 , FV3 act on the tool environment at maximum working force FW .
27 85 mm 25° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 30 38 61 38 30 24 36 52 75 52 36 24 38 67 74 67 38 24 39 66 71 66 39 24 34 54 68 54 34 85 mm 20° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 40 62 40 32 24 38 53 81 53 38 24 40 68 111 68 40 24 40 66 128 66 40 24 34 55 91 55 34 85 mm 25° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 30 38 61 38 30 24 36 52 81 52 36 24 38 67 113 67 38 24 39 66 126 66 39 24 34 54 90 54 34 85 mm 20° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 40 62 40 32 24 38 53 71 53 38 24 40 68 70 68 40 24 40 65 67 65 40 24 34 55 64 55 34 85 mm 15° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 42 63 42 34 24 40 54 81 54 40 24 42 69 110 69 42 24 41 67 129 67 41 24 34 55 92 55 34 85 mm 15° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 42 60 42 34 24 40 54 67 54 40 24 42 64 66 64 42 24 41 61 63 61 41 24 34 55 60 55 34 85 mm 10° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 42 63 42 34 24 40 54 81 54 40 24 41 68 110 68 41 24 41 67 126 67 41 24 34 55 92 55 34 85 mm 10° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 42 51 42 34 24 40 54 56 54 40 24 41 54 55 54 41 24 41 51 52 51 41 24 34 50 51 50 34 85 mm 5° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 42 64 42 34 24 39 54 81 54 39 24 41 67 110 67 41 24 41 68 123 68 41 24 33 55 91 55 33 85 mm 5° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 40 42 40 34 24 39 45 46 45 39 24 41 43 44 43 41 24 41 41 42 41 41 24 33 40 41 40 33 85 mm 0° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 34 43 64 43 34 24 38 54 82 54 38 24 40 67 110 67 40 24 40 68 120 68 40 24 32 55 91 55 32 85 mm 0° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 31 32 33 32 31 24 34 34 36 34 34 24 33 33 33 33 33 24 31 31 32 31 31 24 30 30 31 30 30 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. FORCE DIAGRAM Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
28 85 mm 55° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 26 39 55 39 26 24 33 57 83 57 33 24 36 90 120 90 36 24 42 93 119 93 42 24 34 73 82 73 34 85 mm 50° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 30 45 56 45 30 24 38 68 83 68 38 24 44 92 123 92 44 24 47 92 120 92 47 24 42 74 84 74 42 85 mm 55° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 30 43 55 43 30 24 35 66 83 66 35 24 41 90 125 90 41 24 45 93 119 93 45 24 39 73 82 73 39 85 mm 50° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 30 43 56 43 30 24 37 61 83 61 37 24 44 92 116 92 44 24 47 92 115 92 47 24 42 74 84 74 42 85 mm 45° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 45 57 45 32 24 39 66 83 66 39 24 44 88 121 88 44 24 46 89 122 89 46 24 42 71 85 71 42 85 mm 45° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 45 57 45 32 24 39 65 83 65 39 24 44 88 100 88 44 24 46 89 101 89 46 24 42 71 85 71 42 85 mm 40° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 44 58 44 32 24 39 63 82 63 39 24 43 84 119 84 43 24 46 84 123 84 46 24 41 68 86 68 41 85 mm 40° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 20 32 44 58 44 32 20 39 63 82 63 39 20 43 84 93 84 43 20 46 84 92 84 46 20 41 68 86 68 41 85 mm 35° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 43 59 43 32 24 40 61 82 61 40 24 43 80 117 80 43 24 44 80 124 80 44 24 40 64 87 64 40 85 mm 35° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 43 59 43 32 24 40 61 82 61 40 24 43 80 85 80 43 24 44 79 83 79 44 24 40 64 79 64 40 85 mm 30° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 42 60 42 32 24 39 58 82 58 39 24 42 76 115 76 42 24 43 75 125 75 43 24 39 61 89 61 39 85 mm 30° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 32 42 60 42 32 24 39 58 80 58 39 24 42 75 78 75 42 24 43 73 75 73 43 24 39 61 72 61 39 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. FORCE DIAGRAM Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
29 85 mm 75° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 26 40 55 40 26 24 33 65 84 65 33 24 39 90 129 90 39 24 44 95 121 95 44 24 38 72 78 72 38 85 mm 75° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 23 34 55 34 23 24 29 54 84 54 29 24 29 90 120 90 29 24 39 95 120 95 39 24 29 72 78 72 29 85 mm 70° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 26 40 55 40 26 24 33 65 84 65 33 24 39 90 128 90 39 24 44 94 120 94 44 24 37 72 79 72 37 85 mm 70° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 23 34 55 34 23 24 29 54 84 54 29 24 29 90 120 90 29 24 38 94 120 94 38 24 29 72 79 72 29 85 mm 65° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 26 40 54 40 26 24 33 65 84 65 33 24 39 89 127 89 39 24 44 93 119 93 44 24 36 72 80 72 36 85 mm 65° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 22 34 54 34 22 24 29 54 84 54 29 24 28 89 120 89 28 24 37 93 119 93 37 24 28 72 80 72 28 85 mm 60° 10 22,5 20 22,5 10 120 mm 24 28 40 54 40 28 24 32 65 84 65 32 24 39 89 127 89 39 24 43 92 118 92 43 24 36 72 81 72 36 85 mm 60° 10 22.5 20 22.5 10 120 mm 24 22 34 54 34 22 24 29 53 84 53 29 24 28 89 120 89 28 24 36 92 118 92 36 24 27 72 81 72 27 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.006./008. FORCE DIAGRAM Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height
31 Working width: 90/115 mm Performance class: 200 kN AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011.
32 B L H 113 L2 L3 L4 H W H D β α L1 H 1 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. SIZE TABLE
33 L [mm] B [mm] H [mm] H1 [mm] HW [mm] L1 [mm] L2 [mm] L3 [mm] L4 [mm] D [mm] α [°] β [°] SW [mm] SS [mm] SP [mm] 2016. 254 90 225 65 120 18 222 188 202 240 0 50 32,1 50 38,3 2016. 115 2016. 248 90 225 58,82 120 3 232 188 199 251,83 5 45 35,5 50 38,4 2016. 115 2016. 257 90 225 53,18 120 3 232 188 202 263,6 10 40 38,9 50 38,9 2016. 115 2016. 262 90 225 48,45 120 14 237 188 199 271,04 15 35 42,4 50 39,7 2016. 115 2016. 250 90 225 47,97 120 32 232 158 171 259,15 20 40 40,8 50 46,1 2016. 115 2016. 254 90 225 45,79 120 44 237 158 169 263,44 25 35 45,2 50 47,8 2016. 115 2016. 258 90 225 43,44 120 62 247 148 161 262,39 30 30 45,0 45 45,0 2016. 115 2016. 265 90 225 42,82 120 74 247 148 159 259,3 35 25 49,8 45 47,6 2016. 115 2016. 268 90 225 107,66 120 177 247 35 140 270,87 40 30 50,9 45 55,2 2016. 115 2016. 265 90 225 114,25 120 189 247 35 139 264,94 45 25 57,7 45 59,8 2016. 115 2016. 252 90 225 118,24 120 196 237 35 141 251,47 50 20 48,2 33 48,2 2016. 115 2016. 260 90 225 120,46 120 207 237 35 139 248,25 55 15 55,6 33 54,1 2016. 115 2016. 248 90 225 100,03 120 198 237 35 122 230,73 60 20 54,5 29 57,1 2016. 115 2016. 257 90 225 96,71 120 204 237 35 115 225,65 65 15 66,3 29 67,6 2016. 115 2016. 267 90 225 90,91 120 216 237 35 116 212,94 70 10 63,3 22 63,3 2016. 115 2016. 281 90 225 87 120 228 237 35 110 206,01 75 5 69,3 18 68,5 2016. 115 β α/ε γ S W S P S S subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. SIZE TABLE Order No Fastening Cam base: Driver: Hexagon socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 / Strength class min. 8.8 4 × M12 4 × M12 Dowel pins DIN EN ISO 8735 2 × ø12 2 × ø12
34 14 13 5.2 20 21 19 16 4 7.2 15 2 6 7.1 5.1 1 3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. EXPLODED VIEW
35 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. PARTS LIST Item No. Pcs. Designation Material tuned Spare part 1 1 Cam slider EN-JS-1060 -- -- 2 1 Driver EN-JS-1060 -- -- 3 1 Cam base EN-JS-1060 -- -- 4 1 Centre guide 1.2379 -- x 5.1 1 mechanical retraction, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 5.2 1 mechanical retraction, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 6 2 Sliding plate Bronze with solid lubricant -- x 7.1 1 L-guide, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 7.2 1 L-guide, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Gas spring 2487.12.00.170.□□□ -- x 14 1 Locking tappet 1.7131 -- x 15 1 Locking tappet pin -- x 16 1 Slide stop 1.1191 -- x 17 (not shown) 1 Spacer -- x 18 (not shown) 1 Lockout system 1.1191 -- x 19 1 Damper Elastomer -- x 20 1 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 21 2 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 22 23 24* (not shown) 1 Spacer 1.1191 -- x * not installed at all angles For inquiries or when ordering spare parts (x), we require the following data: ▬ Cam unit order no. ▬ Cam unit serial number ▬ Item No. / Designation / Spare part
36 α [°] FW [kN] FR * [kN] Fh2 [kN] Fv2 [kN] Fh3 [kN] Fv3 [kN] H2 [mm] H3 [mm] 2016.26.0□□.00.1000.00 0 196 18 -14 203 210 203 33 168 2016.26.0□□.05.1000.00 5 205 18 4 213 201 231 43 152 2016.26.0□□.10.1000.00 10 214 18 23 221 188 258 43 138 2016.26.0□□.15.1000.00 15 224 18 44 228 172 286 55 123 2016.26.0□□.20.1000.00 20 221 18 43 151 164 226 50 138 2016.26.0□□.25.1000.00 25 218 18 55 144 142 237 62 123 2016.26.0□□.30.1000.00 30 215 18 67 137 119 245 64 105 2016.26.0□□.35.1000.00 35 221 18 81 134 100 261 77 88 2016.26.0□□.40.1000.00 40 226 18 61 84 112 230 69 105 2016.26.0□□.45.1000.00 45 232 18 70 81 94 245 82 88 2016.26.0□□.50.1000.00 50 212 18 70 68 66 230 89 68 2016.26.0□□.55.1000.00 55 206 18 74 60 44 228 98 58 2016.26.0□□.60.1000.00 60 228 18 48 32 66 230 104 68 2016.26.0□□.65.1000.00 65 225 18 50 28 45 232 113 58 2016.26.0□□.70.1000.00 70 223 18 52 23 24 233 92 46 2016.26.0□□.75.1000.00 75 220 18 53 18 4 231 102 38 Fh3 Fh2 Fv3 Fv2 F W F * R H2 H3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. SYSTEM AND SURROUNDING FORCES All force specifications in this catalogue of the Series 2016.26 are pre-assigned values that provide a higher safety factor. Order No * Retraction force values correspond to the spring-generated retraction force at the working point The forces Fh2 , FV2 as well as Fh3 , FV3 act on the tool environment at maximum working force FW .
37 115 mm 25° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 39 49 66 91 66 49 39 24 50 63 86 121 86 63 50 24 61 92 113 169 113 92 61 24 62 92 129 218 129 92 62 24 58 82 128 200 128 82 58 115 mm 25° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 39 49 66 90 66 49 39 24 50 63 86 107 86 63 50 24 61 92 102 103 102 92 61 24 62 92 98 98 98 92 62 24 58 82 92 92 92 82 58 115 mm 20° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 41 51 67 91 67 51 41 24 52 64 85 120 85 64 52 24 62 88 110 164 110 88 62 24 64 88 127 221 127 88 64 24 58 82 125 198 125 82 58 115 mm 20° 17.5 40 40 25 40 40 17.5 120 mm 24 41 51 67 86 67 51 41 24 52 64 85 100 85 64 52 24 62 88 95 97 95 88 62 24 64 87 91 91 91 87 64 24 58 82 86 87 86 82 58 115 mm 15° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 43 52 68 81 68 52 43 24 54 65 85 93 85 65 54 24 62 85 89 90 89 85 62 24 65 83 84 85 84 83 65 24 59 78 81 81 81 78 59 115 mm 10° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 44 53 69 92 69 53 44 24 54 66 87 119 87 66 54 24 64 88 108 157 108 88 64 24 63 88 126 214 126 88 63 24 58 79 119 188 119 79 58 115 mm 10° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 44 53 69 73 69 53 44 24 54 66 78 82 78 66 54 24 64 74 75 79 75 74 64 24 63 70 71 75 71 70 63 24 58 66 68 72 68 66 58 115 mm 5° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 44 54 70 92 70 54 44 24 55 67 88 119 88 67 55 24 66 92 109 156 109 92 66 24 61 94 126 205 126 94 61 24 58 75 116 182 116 75 58 115 mm 5° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 44 54 58 66 58 54 44 24 55 64 64 71 64 64 55 24 59 61 61 68 61 61 59 24 56 57 58 65 58 57 56 24 53 54 55 63 55 54 53 115 mm 15° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 43 52 68 92 68 52 43 24 54 65 85 119 85 65 54 24 62 85 107 158 107 85 62 24 65 83 126 224 126 83 65 24 59 83 123 195 123 83 59 115 mm 0° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 45 54 72 92 72 54 45 24 55 68 90 119 90 68 55 24 68 95 110 156 110 95 68 24 60 99 126 196 126 99 60 24 58 72 113 175 113 72 58 115 mm 0° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 45 47 47 59 47 47 45 24 48 50 51 61 51 50 48 24 47 48 47 57 47 48 47 24 44 45 44 55 44 45 44 24 42 42 43 53 43 42 42 subject to alterations Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. FORCE DIAGRAM
38 115 mm 55° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 31 43 60 86 60 43 31 24 37 59 87 129 87 59 37 24 44 75 120 206 120 75 44 24 50 75 127 191 127 75 50 24 47 68 105 153 105 68 47 115 mm 55° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 31 43 60 86 60 43 31 24 37 59 87 129 87 59 37 24 44 75 120 175 120 75 44 24 50 75 127 162 127 75 50 24 47 68 105 147 105 68 47 115 mm 50° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 31 43 60 82 60 43 31 24 40 59 86 121 86 59 40 24 48 73 112 185 112 73 48 24 56 79 131 212 131 79 56 24 52 77 124 188 124 77 52 115 mm 50° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 31 43 60 82 60 43 31 24 40 59 86 121 86 59 40 24 48 73 112 162 112 73 48 24 56 79 131 151 131 79 56 24 52 77 118 137 118 77 52 115 mm 45° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 32 42 59 78 59 42 32 24 43 60 86 114 86 60 43 24 51 71 105 149 105 71 51 24 62 84 127 139 127 84 62 24 57 85 113 128 113 85 57 115 mm 40° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 33 44 61 82 61 44 33 24 45 60 86 117 86 60 45 24 55 79 109 167 109 79 55 24 61 88 134 226 134 88 61 24 57 84 139 215 139 84 57 115 mm 40° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 33 44 61 82 61 44 33 24 45 60 86 117 86 60 45 24 55 79 109 136 109 79 55 24 61 88 120 128 120 88 61 24 57 84 108 118 108 84 57 115 mm 35° 17.5 40 40 25 40 40 17.5 120 mm 24 35 46 63 86 63 46 35 24 47 61 86 120 86 61 47 24 58 87 112 171 112 87 58 24 61 93 132 221 132 93 61 24 57 83 134 209 134 83 57 115 mm 35° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 35 46 63 86 63 46 35 24 47 61 86 120 86 61 47 24 58 87 112 123 112 87 58 24 61 93 112 116 112 93 61 24 57 83 103 108 103 83 57 115 mm 45° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 32 42 59 78 59 42 32 24 43 60 86 114 86 60 43 24 51 71 105 164 105 71 51 24 62 84 136 232 136 84 62 24 57 85 143 222 143 85 57 115 mm 30° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 36 48 65 90 65 48 36 24 49 62 86 122 86 62 49 24 61 95 116 175 116 95 61 24 61 97 130 215 130 97 61 24 58 82 130 202 130 82 58 115 mm 30° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 36 48 65 90 65 48 36 24 49 62 86 115 86 62 49 24 61 95 109 110 109 95 61 24 61 97 104 105 104 97 61 24 58 82 98 98 98 82 58 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. FORCE DIAGRAM Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
39 115 mm 75° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 44 68 103 68 44 30 24 34 58 88 139 88 58 34 24 42 79 131 200 131 79 42 24 46 70 120 167 120 70 46 24 39 58 85 130 85 58 39 115 mm 70° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 44 66 99 66 44 30 24 34 58 88 138 88 58 34 24 41 79 130 223 130 79 41 24 45 70 121 168 121 70 45 24 40 58 85 127 85 58 40 115 mm 70° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 44 66 99 66 44 30 24 34 58 88 138 88 58 34 24 41 79 130 200 130 79 41 24 45 70 121 168 121 70 45 24 40 58 85 127 85 58 40 115 mm 65° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 43 64 95 64 43 30 24 34 58 87 137 87 58 34 24 41 78 128 225 128 78 41 24 45 71 122 170 122 71 45 24 41 59 86 123 86 59 41 115 mm 65° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 43 64 95 64 43 30 24 34 58 87 137 87 58 34 24 41 78 128 200 128 78 41 24 45 71 122 170 122 71 45 24 41 59 86 123 86 59 41 115 mm 75° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 44 68 103 68 44 30 24 34 58 88 139 88 58 34 24 42 79 131 220 131 79 42 24 46 70 120 167 120 70 46 24 39 58 85 130 85 58 39 115 mm 60° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 43 61 91 61 43 30 24 34 58 87 136 87 58 34 24 41 77 127 228 127 77 41 24 45 71 123 171 123 71 45 24 41 59 86 119 86 59 41 115 mm 60° 12.5 17.5 17.5 20 17.5 17.5 12.5 120 mm 24 30 43 61 91 61 43 30 24 34 58 87 136 87 58 34 24 41 77 127 188 127 77 41 24 45 71 123 171 123 71 45 24 41 59 86 119 86 59 41 subject to alterations Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.009./011. FORCE DIAGRAM
41 Working width: 125/160 mm Performance class: 280 kN AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016.
42 B L H L2 L1 L3 150 H W H D β α H 1 L4 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. SIZE TABLE
43 L [mm] B [mm] H [mm] H1 [mm] HW [mm] L1 [mm] L2 [mm] L3 [mm] L4 [mm] D [mm] α [°] β [°] SW [mm] SS [mm] SP [mm] 2016. 273 125 275 60 145 161 247 35 224 272,5 0 50 32,1 50 38,3 2016. 160 2016. 283 125 275 70,14 145 175 257 35 220 288,43 5 45 35,5 50 38,4 2016. 160 2016. 291 125 275 84,54 145 178 257 35 224 299,92 10 40 38,9 50 38,9 2016. 160 2016. 298 125 275 94,31 145 196 267 35 221 309,25 15 35 42,4 50 39,7 2016. 160 2016. 279 125 275 90,35 145 180 257 35 185 294,17 20 40 40,8 50 46,1 2016. 160 2016. 285 125 275 99,29 145 198 267 35 182 299,95 25 35 45,2 50 47,8 2016. 160 2016. 287 125 275 107,03 145 208 272 35 174 296,83 30 30 45,0 45 45,0 2016. 160 2016. 297 125 275 115,59 145 224 277 35 171 296,1 35 25 49,8 45 47,6 2016. 160 2016. 304 125 275 120,73 145 211 272 35 172 313,57 40 30 50,9 45 55,2 2016. 160 2016. 303 125 275 128,51 145 228 277 35 170 309,41 45 25 57,7 45 59,8 2016. 160 2016. 296 125 275 134,86 145 239 267 35 173 294,51 50 20 48,2 33 48,2 2016. 160 2016. 305 125 275 132,31 145 251 272 35 162 288,28 55 15 55,6 33 54,1 2016. 160 2016. 288 125 275 107,66 145 235 267 35 136 293,61 60 20 54,5 29 57,1 2016. 160 2016. 305 125 275 106,03 145 251 272 35 129 285,35 65 15 66,3 29 67,6 2016. 160 2016. 315 125 275 100,99 145 261 267 35 123 271,13 70 10 63,3 22 63,3 2016. 160 2016. 327 125 275 91,32 145 272 267 35 110 263,01 75 5 69,3 18 68,5 2016. 160 β α/ε γ S W S P S S subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. SIZE TABLE Order No Fastening Cam base: Driver: Hexagon socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 / Strength class min. 8.8 4 × M12 4 × M12 Dowel pins DIN EN ISO 8735 2 × ø12 2 × ø12
44 14 13 5.2 20 21 19 16 4 7.2 15 2 6 7.1 5.1 1 3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. EXPLODED VIEW
45 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. PARTS LIST Item No. Pcs. Designation Material tuned Spare part 1 1 Cam slider EN-JS-1060 -- -- 2 1 Driver EN-JS-1060 -- -- 3 1 Cam base EN-JS-1060 -- -- 4 1 Centre guide 1.2379 -- x 5.1 1 mechanical retraction, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 5.2 1 mechanical retraction, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 6 2 Sliding plate Bronze with solid lubricant -- x 7.1 1 L-guide, left 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 7.2 1 L-guide, right 1.1191 with sinter layer x x 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Gas spring 2487.12.00.320.□□□ -- x 14 1 Locking tappet 1.7131 -- x 15 1 Locking tappet pin -- x 16 1 Slide stop 1.1191 -- x 17 (not shown) 1 Spacer -- x 18 (not shown) 1 Lockout system 1.1191 -- x 19 1 Damper Elastomer -- x 20 1 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 21 2 Feather key (T-nut) 1.1191 -- x 22 23 24* (not shown) 1 Spacer 1.1191 -- x * not installed at all angles For inquiries or when ordering spare parts (x), we require the following data: ▬ Cam unit order no. ▬ Cam unit serial number ▬ Item No. / Designation / Spare part
46 α [°] FW [kN] FR * [kN] Fh2 [kN] Fv2 [kN] Fh3 [kN] Fv3 [kN] H2 [mm] H3 [mm] 2016.26.0□□.00.1000.00 0 281 28 -20 291 301 291 35 200 2016.26.0□□.05.1000.00 5 287 28 5 298 281 323 49 182 2016.26.0□□.10.1000.00 10 293 28 32 303 257 353 57 160 2016.26.0□□.15.1000.00 15 299 28 59 305 230 382 70 142 2016.26.0□□.20.1000.00 20 292 28 57 199 217 299 71 160 2016.26.0□□.25.1000.00 25 285 28 72 189 186 309 85 142 2016.26.0□□.30.1000.00 30 289 28 90 184 160 329 96 119 2016.26.0□□.35.1000.00 35 302 28 110 184 137 357 111 102 2016.26.0□□.40.1000.00 40 309 28 84 115 153 314 87 119 2016.26.0□□.45.1000.00 45 310 28 94 108 126 327 103 102 2016.26.0□□.50.1000.00 50 317 28 105 101 99 344 114 79 2016.26.0□□.55.1000.00 55 316 28 113 92 68 350 128 68 2016.26.0□□.60.1000.00 60 322 28 68 46 93 325 113 79 2016.26.0□□.65.1000.00 65 316 28 70 39 63 325 126 68 2016.26.0□□.70.1000.00 70 314 28 73 33 34 328 125 52 2016.26.0□□.75.1000.00 75 304 28 73 25 6 319 137 43 Fh3 Fh2 Fv3 Fv2 F W F * R H2 H3 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. SYSTEM AND SURROUNDING FORCES All force specifications in this catalogue of the Series 2016.26 are pre-assigned values that provide a higher safety factor. Order No * Retraction force values correspond to the spring-generated retraction force at the working point The forces Fh2 , FV2 as well as Fh3 , FV3 act on the tool environment at maximum working force FW ..
47 160 mm 25° 18 25 25 25 25 25 18 145 mm 24 56 69 93 129 93 69 56 24 70 86 113 169 113 86 70 24 91 112 143 229 143 112 91 24 121 144 196 285 196 144 121 24 115 136 184 279 184 136 115 160 mm 25° 18 25 25 25 25 25 18 145 mm 24 60 74 98 101 98 74 60 24 65 81 101 105 101 81 65 24 67 82 98 101 98 82 67 24 69 82 98 101 98 82 69 24 68 81 96 99 96 81 68 160 mm 20° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 59 71 94 129 94 71 59 24 72 89 113 168 113 89 72 24 93 114 144 223 144 114 93 24 127 148 200 292 200 148 127 24 121 139 191 286 191 139 121 160 mm 20° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 58 72 91 96 91 72 58 24 62 76 94 98 94 76 62 24 64 76 91 95 91 76 64 24 65 76 90 94 90 76 65 24 64 75 88 92 88 75 64 160 mm 15° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 56 67 84 91 84 67 56 24 59 71 87 92 87 71 59 24 60 71 84 89 84 71 60 24 60 70 83 87 83 70 60 24 60 69 81 84 81 69 60 160 mm 10° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 62 74 94 129 94 74 62 24 74 92 112 166 112 92 74 24 95 115 148 215 148 115 95 24 130 151 204 293 204 151 130 24 125 142 192 287 192 142 125 160 mm 10° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 53 62 77 86 77 62 53 24 56 66 80 87 80 66 56 24 57 65 77 84 77 65 57 24 56 64 75 81 75 64 56 24 55 62 73 79 73 62 55 160 mm 5° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 62 74 94 129 94 74 62 24 75 91 113 166 113 91 75 24 95 114 151 214 151 114 95 24 129 151 203 287 203 151 129 24 123 143 186 280 186 143 123 160 mm 5° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 50 58 70 80 70 58 50 24 54 61 73 82 73 61 54 24 53 60 69 78 69 60 53 24 52 58 67 75 67 58 52 24 50 56 65 73 65 56 50 160 mm 15° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 62 74 94 129 94 74 62 24 74 92 112 166 112 92 74 24 95 115 145 216 145 115 95 24 132 151 204 299 204 151 132 24 127 142 199 294 199 142 127 160 mm 0° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 62 74 94 129 94 74 62 24 75 91 113 166 113 91 75 24 94 113 153 214 153 113 94 24 127 150 203 281 203 150 127 24 121 143 179 273 179 143 121 160 mm 0° 17.5 25 25 25 25 25 17.5 145 mm 24 48 53 63 75 63 53 48 24 51 57 66 77 66 57 51 24 49 54 62 73 62 54 49 24 47 52 59 70 59 52 47 24 46 49 57 68 57 49 46 subject to alterations AERIAL CAM UNIT FCC-LV 2016.26.012./016. FORCE DIAGRAM Support via cast shoulder Width Height Support via feather key Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height