FIBRO - Standard Parts

10.2023   170  19  7 - 125  44 - 285 VDI, ISO 2487.12.00170.   320  24,9  7 - 125  44 - 285 ISO 2487.12.00320.   350  32 10 - 125  50 - 280 VDI, ISO 2487.12.00350.   500  38 10 - 125  50 - 280 VDI, ISO 2487.12.00500.   750  45,2 10 - 125  52 - 282 VDI, ISO 2487.12.00750.  1000  50,2 13 - 125  64 - 288 VDI, ISO 2487.12.01000.  1500  63,2 13 - 125  70 - 294 VDI, ISO 2487.12.01500.  2400  75,2 16 - 125  77 - 295 VDI, ISO 2487.12.02400.  4200  95,2 16 - 125  90 - 308 VDI, ISO 2487.12.04200.  6600 120,2 16 - 125 100 - 318 VDI, ISO 2487.12.06600.  9500 150,2 19 - 125 116 - 328 VDI, ISO 2487.12.09500. 20000 195 19 - 125 148 - 360 2487.12.20000.  350  32 10 - 125  60 - 290 2487.12.33.00350.  500  38 10 - 125  60 - 290 2487.12.33.00500.  750  45,2 10 - 125  67 - 297 2487.12.33.00750. 1000  50,2 13 - 125  78 - 302 2487.12.33.01000. 1500  63,2 13 - 125  78 - 302 2487.12.33.01500. 2400  75,2 16 - 125  91 - 309 2487.12.33.02400. 4200  95,2 16 - 125  94 - 312 2487.12.33.04200. 6600 120,2 16 - 125 104 - 322 2487.12.33.06600.   500  32  10 -  80  75 - 225 2497.12.00500.  1000  38  10 -  80  75 - 240 2497.12.01000.  1900  50,2  10 -  80  80 - 245 2497.12.01900.   420  24,9  6 - 50  56 - 195 2490.14.00420.   750  32  6 - 50  63 - 195 2490.14.00750.  1000  38  6 - 50  61 - 230 2490.14.01000.  1800  50,2  6 - 65  66 - 271 2490.14.01800.  3000  63,2 10 - 65  85 - 256 2490.14.03000.  4700  75,2 10 - 65  80 - 273 2490.14.04700.  7500  95,2 10 - 65  90 - 279 2490.14.07500. 11800 120,2 10 - 65 100 - 320 2490.14.11800. 18300 150,2 10 - 65 110 - 323 2490.14.18300.  500  45,2  6 - 125  62 - 300 2485.12.00500.  750  50,2  6 - 125  62 - 300 2485.12.00750. 1500  75,2 25 - 100 110 - 260 2485.12.01500.  750  75,2 125 - 300 360 -710 2486.12.00750. 1500  95,2 125 - 300 370 -720 2486.12.01500. 3000 120,2 125 - 300 390 -740 2486.12.03000. 5000 150,2 125 - 300 405 -755 2486.12.05000. 3000  95,2 80 - 300 280 - 720 2486.22.03000. 5000 120,2 80 - 300 300 - 740 2486.22.05000. 7500 150,2 80 - 300 315 - 755 2486.22.07500. subject to alterations GAS SPRINGS - SYNOPSIS Nominal force in daN Outside-∅ in mm Stroke in mm Built-in lenght in mm Standard Note Order No. Gas springs with increased spring force – POWERLINE Compact-Gas springs Gas springs low build height Gas springs SPC - SPEED CONTROL™, cushioned Gas springs to WDX Standard / request your catalogue Gas springs DS for die separation Gas springs CX – COMPACT XTREME Gas spring with reinforced spring base POWERLINE